Sustainable Living

golden eagle

12 Endangered Birds and How to Save Them

Endangered Birds in Ontario There are 12 species of birds that are classified by the Ontario government as endangered species.  While they are endangered in Ontario, some may have stable populations elsewhere.  However, their endangered status may be evidence of an overall decline in population and can lead to global endangerment if not resolved.  There

12 Endangered Birds and How to Save Them Read More »

Non-Native VS. Invasive Species : Are Non-Native Plants Inherently Bad?

Invasive Species Invasive species (plant or animal) are often non-native species that lack natural predators to control their populations.  With no predators, invasives are able to out-compete native plants for resources like food, water, and sunlight.  Species that are able to create such monopolies leave few resources for native species to survive.  When an invasive

Non-Native VS. Invasive Species : Are Non-Native Plants Inherently Bad? Read More »

Permaculture Principles for Resource Management (Not Just for Gardeners!)

In a society that is increasingly focused on sustainability and fighting climate change, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to live in harmony with nature. Until recently, I didn’t really know what permaculture was. Now I see that it is so much more than a type of gardening but rather an all encompassing

Permaculture Principles for Resource Management (Not Just for Gardeners!) Read More »


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